Helping Save LivesHelping Save Mothers and Babies
Newborns die every day
Mothers die every day giving birth
Of these deaths happen in low-resource settings
百度贴吧——全球最大的中文社区:百度贴吧——全球最大的中文社区。贴吧的使命是让志同道合的人相聚。不论是大众话题还是小众话题,都能精准地聚集大批同好网友,展示自我风采,结交知音,搭建别具特色的“兴趣主题“互动平台。贴吧目录涵盖游戏、地区、文学、动漫、娱乐明星、生活、体育、电脑数码等方方面面,是全球 ... Since 2010, we work in close collaboration with partners to develop high impact, low cost solutions aimed at helping save lives. Our solutions, implemented by our partners throughout the world, ensure that health workers are better trained, equipped and supported to provide quality care and save mothers and babies at birth.
We will reach our goal by
- Helping train and equip more than 1 million birth attendants
- Introducing disruptive innovative solutions that are durable, simple, culturally adaptable, and affordable
- Catalyzing innovative partnerships and alliances

Together with our global partners we develop and implement innovative solutions for low-resource settings.

Our solutions are simple, durable, culturally adaptable and affordable. Designed to save lives at birth.

Sijabi Afumani’s baby was born premature. Sajabi was worried, would her baby survive? Luckily, the midwives at Lindi Hopital, Tanzania could assist. They knew how to care for small babies through the training done by Jhpeigo and the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare. The midwives helped Saijabi to breastfeed and to keep her baby warm through skin-to-skin. Saijabs baby grew strong and is now healthy and happy child.

Taiyaba was not breathing
Ritka Begum gave birth in Sadipur, Bangladesh. Baby Taiyaba was not breathing on delivery, but luckily, Sakhina, her Skilled Birth Attendant, had attended a Helping Babies Breathe course only two weeks earlier. Thanks to this training and available resuscitation equipment, Taiyaba survived and is thriving.

Happy Birthday Agness
Baby Agness was not breathing when she was born at Chongwe district hospital in Zambia. But the Mumba family could celebrate a Happy Birthday thanks to Midwife Hamalala having been trained in Helping Babies Breathe, as part of the 50,000 Happy Birthdays project led by the International laddervnp安卓.

Danieli was born at the Haydom hospital. He was born with meconium and did not breathe. The young nurse used what she had learnt in the Helping Babies Breathe course. She dried and stimulated the baby and used the penguin suction to remove the meconium. But he still did not breathe. She quickly cut the cord and moved him to the resuscitation table where she used the bag-mask and resuscitation monitor. After some minutes Danieli was breathing by himself.

Nurse Suchitra knew what to do
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Mama Regina had parts of her placenta still left in the uterus and started bleeding heavily after delivery. Luckily her midwife had been trained with MamaNatalie to stop the bleeding and remove the remains, so that Regina could live to see her daughter Gloria grow up.

Juliet saved Joyce
Just after Joyce gave birth to her baby girl, she started to bleed profusely. The midwife, Juliet, realized that Joyce needed help right away or she might die from blood loss. Juliet had been trained in the Helping Mothers Survive - Bleeding After Birth program so she was able to identify the problem quickly and stop the bleeding. Joyce was very thankful - she considered naming her baby after the midwife who saved her.
In the spotlight

Introducing "Essential Care for Labour & Birth"
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Call for proposals to scale up innovations to save women and newborns’ lives
Survive & Thrive Report Published
Women and midwives need to be at the table, not on the menu!
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